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Archive for October, 2008

mummy ji

we have a window sill 3 feet wide. just after we moved in had kept 3-4 cartons in a row on the sill.

one day when i came back, there was something new, rather it was ‘someone’. a fat pigeon had made a careful home on the soft bubble wrap sheet that spread on the sill. the carton protected her from the wind, and may be the crows. ther were few straws and feathers  arranged in a circle on which she sat all the time. there was another pigeon who came to give her food sometimes. on day we saw an egg beneath her as she had shifted and would take a break to go out herself. then on a weekend, it was two eggs.. anand suggested putting some groundnuts near her, but she was very careful to not let us come closer, and made a do-no-disturb-me kind of flutter.

couple of days ago, we saw yellow feathery stuff beneath her… then a tiny – you have to see it to understand what tiny is – a tiny beak… coming out from under her to look at me… a glance and it was back in… by evening they were out, cute but dirty yellow things that looked nothing like a pigeon.

till today morning, gradually those feathers were giving away to grey colour and i could see tiny wings, but they are too weak to fly yet..

a wednesday

what the terrorists can do to us, even we can do to them, why always go the conservative and non effective ways ? it’s the common man who speaks up.

a concept that the frustrated common man wants to see, very good directon, fast moving and interesting all along.

naseeruddin shah is the right pick and has done justice like he does most of the times.jimmy shergill looks hot n smart in the new serious look.

my rating ***

theres something we all have to stand up against, we need to learn from the movie..